转眼一年又过去了,新的一年祝大家身体健康 天天开心。在即将来临的华人春节,Seaventures Dive Rig – 诗巴丹平台极限潜水度假村欢迎世界各地的华人朋友们前来和我们共享新春佳节, 我们已经张灯结彩,大红灯笼高高挂着,为的就是欢迎您们的到来。
The dive team spent Christmas with our friends from In-Ex Hale Divers…
This week we’re sadly saying goodbye to PADI Instructor Jonatan Sanchez. Jona…
As the holiday period begins, the dive team at Seaventures are really…
Scuba diving Sipadan Mabul in November is still great despite it being…
能在野生动物的栖息地近距离观察它们的生态, 是一个很让人满足的经历。位于马来西亚的诗巴丹岛是全世界潜水员最嚮往的潜点之一。诗巴丹平台极限潜水度假村往诗巴丹的行程每天于日出前出发。清晨的诗巴丹通常可见到广为人知的精采戏剧化景象: 隆头鹦哥鱼,海龟,杰克鱼,和鲨鱼。我们平台潜水常客 Albert Kang 分享的这段视频记录了他在诗巴丹潜水的一次特别邂逅 ~ 一只鲨鱼完美展现了它之所以被称为 " 诗巴丹之王" 的顶级掠食者风范。
别忘记订阅我们的YouTube 视频…
Sipadan Malaysia is one of the most sought after place to dive…
If you are a fan of nudibranch, Seaventures house reef is a…
If you are an avid underwater photographer/videographer and usually travels alone, you…
We appreciate your feedback and we hear you. Seaventures Dive Rig is…