Clean Up Day With Sidemount
This week, one of our Divemasters who recently took Sidemount course gets to practice his newly acquired knowledge by doing the clean-up with his sidemount gears. It is easy to familiarise yourself with our house reef and therefore it become a great place to practice your scuba diving skills.
The Rig’s Dive Team continues to do under water clean up to ensure the house reef have minimal debris. We are not going to let the effort put in during the 100 Days Clean Up campaign done earlier this year to go to waste. Seaventures targets to organize a weekly clean-up and guests are all welcomed and encouraged to join in. A little deed goes a long way, and as ProjectAware’s tagline goes; protecting our Ocean Planet – one dive at a time.

Kindly ask our friendly Dive Team members of when is the next clean-up day if you are interested to be part of the activity. Meanwhile, enjoy diving with us!